

Statistics Value
Population 656246
Population Density 1882 Per Sqr. Mtr.
Population Male 346673
Population Female 309573
Gender Ratio 893
Literacy Rate 53.78
Literacy Rate Male 61.31
Literacy Rate Female 45.26
Total Subdivision 1
Total Block 5
Total Circle 5
Total Panchayats 53
Totals Villages 203
Total Revenue Villages 207
Total Municipalities 1 (Nagar Parishad Sheohar)
Total Wards in Municipalities 26
No. of Parliamentary Constituencies 1 (04-Sheohar)
No. of Assembly Constituencies 2[22-Sheohar and 30-Belsand(Part)]
No. of Police Stations 12
Total Electors Total-4,47,065  [1. Sheohar AC-3,14,596,

2. Belsand AC(Part) – 1,32,469]