Statistics | Value |
Population | 656246 |
Population Density | 1882 Per Sqr. Mtr. |
Population Male | 346673 |
Population Female | 309573 |
Gender Ratio | 893 |
Literacy Rate | 53.78 |
Literacy Rate Male | 61.31 |
Literacy Rate Female | 45.26 |
Total Subdivision | 1 |
Total Block | 5 |
Total Circle | 5 |
Total Panchayats | 53 |
Totals Villages | 203 |
Total Revenue Villages | 207 |
Total Municipalities | 1 (Nagar Parishad Sheohar) |
Total Wards in Municipalities | 26 |
No. of Parliamentary Constituencies | 1 (04-Sheohar) |
No. of Assembly Constituencies | 2[22-Sheohar and 30-Belsand(Part)] |
No. of Police Stations | 12 |
Total Electors | Total-4,47,065 [1. Sheohar AC-3,14,596,
2. Belsand AC(Part) – 1,32,469]